Monday, May 31, 2010

Civilization Is Crumbling

Besides me, I am crumbling also.

There is a winding down in the realm of enlightened consciousness on this planet I think.
An age of darkness descends, Kali Yuga. Time, Destroyer of Worlds gears down at the late stage of the cycle.

I'm referring to these freaks on the right wing 'politically', and their cries of removed freedoms, this idiot's idea of if 'the gummint' touches 'business' we're on the very verge of totalitarian Communism. This 'less government' mantra, or 'big government spells less freedom' as if it's just that simple.

These people, to a person, WOULD NEVER SURVIVE with any less government than we have here. Let's have a look: you're going to get to work driving on, what, a highway... Who is going to maintain that for your driving ass, you? And your buddies, y'all gon get together on Saturday and get it done are you, or you're going to, hmmm let's see get a community drive together and pool your resources to hire someone.... WAIT, that's what a motherfucking GOVERNMENT, and a system of democracy based on 'Of, For, By The People', and contributing to, oh I don't know, a basic revenue service so this thing can happen, the road, a cop to make sure that road is safe, a standardized system of care in case you fuck up or the next driver fucks up and you get hurt. Your trust is in Private Enterprise to make sure all this goes smooth? People all in it for their own asses, yeah GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. These morons have no idea how a thing in the world works to come up with some nonsense like this.

Where is this mythical 'small goverment'... I've followed this argument for some time, decades, and it's pretty clear to me that the ideal here, the exemplar, is tantamount to no government, aka anarchy. Maybe they think Somalia's a real nice place to raise your kids up, they aren't burdened by any government a'tall.

The sad thing is, the media's culpable, plus we who're more left-oriented in the argument have been weak, and have consistently allowed right wing advocates to frame the center politically further and further to the right so that a corporation's bought-and-owned Democrat is called a MODERATE for chrissake. It's immoderate to act against a corporation. These corporations are as individuals in terms of certain rights now... Which in your language MAKES NO SENSE. A corporation is a larger entity than one person, by definition.

This SCOTUS decision (which conveniently clears out that distinction specifically so a corporation can throw its full weight behind a candidate for office), is a move I made per a world we're creating in some SCIENCE FICTION we're writing out here... and it really is designed to make the thing an absolute horror, it's absolutely a bomb dramatically in my estimation... It was disturbing even to imagine. So when I heard that this had actually occurred in this country, it was truly shocking, a real wake the fuck up moment for me let me tell you.

It's beyond late here, so...

Stay tuned. We are not amused.

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